Reiku Tohno

A Womanizer Wanderer Without Direction or Purpose
"I don't want to stand out. Why do I keep getting caught up in these things?"
Disclaimer: Any lore breaking/bending aspects of this character can be discussed for omission and exclusion if preferred.


"So, you're finally awake..."

A mysterious man of no origin. He claims to have no memory but bits and pieces of the last moments of the calamity.

The next thing he knew, he found himself in Ul'dah where he started to regain his abilities one muscle memory at a time.


"Magic and a long life breeds madness."

A man from another realm. He travels between worlds in order to fulfill his role. A role given to him upon his arrival onto that world. A master of true magic and miracles. But a technological idiot.

Be it a hero, a villain, a bystander, or even a random villager. His purpose is to make sure certain events occur. Like how two people meet on sheer happenstance. Or a person being in the right place at the right time.

But it could also be the opposite. He can ensure that certain people never meet. He can place a person at the wrong place out of 'sheer happenstance'.

He can ensure an important figure lives to make history, or assassinate someone to set things in motion. He does what is needed of him.

He can kill, or sire a god. He can create, or end worlds.

At least, when he's on the clock.

During his free time, he wanders aimlessly and enjoys the various things different worlds can offer.

Culture. Cuisine. Entertainment. Pleasure.

Particularly pleasure. I mean, if you're going to live forever, might as well experience as much as you can, right?


The Bard with the Bird

He arrived with nothing but the clothes on his back, a sharp with, and a charm that invites trouble.

He found that he had a knack for instruments and a penchant for gathering and selling information.

With these tools, he built up connections that gradually spun into a web.


"Where the fuck am I this time?"

It was supposed to be another job. He was sent to a world, then given a purpose, or a mission as to what he needs to do.

Except this time, there was nothing. No instructions. No information.

No abilities aside his regeneration and immortality.

His link to the library was also severed. That library could also be considered his direct superior. She normally gives him a tiny bit of something. Anything.

The library was in charge of picking missions based on the client's needs. Those clients are deities and celestial beings.

This isn't the first time he has been tossed with nothing but the clothes on his back. Worse, he was actually sent to the middle of nowhere without those clothes.

The next thing he knew, he was riding a carriage of sorts. At least it wasn't like last time.

Last time, he tried to cross the border and walked into an imperial ambush, same as a thief and a couple of rebels...

"My name? Don't worry about it. You'll be moaning it out later."

  • Name: Reiku Tohno

  • Race: Homunculus Hyur - Midlander

  • Age: Immortal | Unknown | Appears Early 20's

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Original Tier: Tier 0

  • Affinities: Magic (EX+) | Technology (-EX) [Magic Genius | Technological Idiot]

  • Aliases/Titles: The Keeper of the Archive | The Book of Conquest | That Sneaky Bastard

  • Height: 6' 0" | 182.88 cm

  • Hair: Short Dark Blue (Normal) | Flexible Silver (Limit Release)

  • Eyes: Round Blue (Normal) | Slits Silver (Limit Release)

  • Fighting Style: Versatile | Flippant

  • Attitude: Mischievous | Whimsical | Concupiscent | Polyamorous

  • Weakness: Lovely Ladies | Commitment

Simple Hooks | Deeper Hooks | Lorebending Hooks

The Bard and the Bird

Reiku is most commonly seen as a performing bard accompanied by a miniature version of the Primal Garuda. He also has a bit of sensitivity to aether.

This mini-Garuda seems to be different from most manufactured ones. While it does cling or ride on his shoulder, often times it can be seen slapping or scratching his cheek. He claims that it is a sealed formed of Garuda but... that's not possible, is it?

Rumors say that requesting the 'song of the stars' allows you to perchance some information. While the 'song for everyone's souls' may mean you seek the removal of certain people.

"Name your poison."

Reiku is very knowledgeable in various concoctions with various effects. Whether it's pills and potions, or a drug that makes you dream, he has it all.

Due to repeated experiments on himself, he has developed various traits. Some can be seen with the white streaks on his hair and his abnormal tenacity and regenerative abilities. He is also tolerant to most, if not all, poisons and alcohol.

In actuality, this resilient nature is due to his immortality and regenerative capabilities. However, it was because of it that he has leeway to further experiment on himself.

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Cuisine. One of Reiku's biggest curiosities. He can be easily seen trying out everything and anything regarding food. He is also a good cook.

Keep in mind some of his recipes may be a bit... out of the ordinary.

"Why settle for a flower when you can have a garden?"

It's not secret that Reiku enjoys the company of lovely ladies. It has led him to trouble countless times. Such trouble leading to the loss of his eye.

However, he's taken advantage of being able to form connections with influential people. As for his eye, he has taken it upon himself to experiment on it and regrow it. There are some physical defects but it also enhanced his aether sensitivity and keeps it covered.

There are many lovely ladies in in these shards. Some of them have taken advantage of this... weakness of his.

"Everything has a price. Anything can be a price. How far are you willing to go?"

A man has to make some coin for his necessities.

Reiku is an adventurer and would gladly welcome some well-paying jobs. He is open to almost anything as long as the coin is good. He has even dabbled on various crafting vocations.

But his true expertise lies in cloak-and-dagger activities, unbeknownst to many. He is well-versed in the dark underbellies of society. However, be prepared for strange requests as payment for his services.

Scholar of the Seven Sins

Mysterious man seeks bodyguards and escorts for research purposes. Locations may vary. The task is simple, to guard the area during the specified time.

This mysterious man declares himself a wandering scholar. His studies revolve around the flow and manipulation of aether. He possesses a certain affinity and sensitivity to either. Those also sensitive to it may find that a significant amount of it flows through his body.

Foreign. That was the peculiarity of this person. Even that which flows through him appears... out of this world. Someone described his aether as a swirl of various colors.

Echoes of the Legendary Akashic Archive [Lorebending]

Upon learning of the 'Echo', he has found it troubling. He does not possess it but those that possess it may find themselves seeing visions that are simply beyond their knowledge of this world.

Symphony of Blinding Light

There was a dense cloud of dust and smoke that obscured his view. The fortress wall in front of him was turned into nothing but a gaping hole and a pile of rubble. Ah, that was expensive, he thought.

He felt several presences behind him and sighed deeply. Everyone should have been able to escape—rather, they should have been forced to escape. The spell he cast was meant to cause a full-scale evacuation.

“You cancelled it, huh?” Among his direct subordinates, there was one that led a company of elite mages. It was not impossible for them to resist his mass teleportation, much less cancel it.

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. From what he could tell, he did manage to send away majority of the members. Those that were left behind were his generals and the ones directly under them.

“I was trying to save you fools.”

“Our lives belonged to you in the first place, Master.”

A woman stepped forward and knelt down, bowing her head. Her vulpine ears flopped down. She was the one that ordered her own subordinates to work together with her to prevent the spell from teleporting her and anyone that had wanted to stay. Doing so exhausted all their energy and they ended up being reduced to zero combat potential in such a crisis. They were dead weight. Not only the mage company, but those that wanted to stay had to exhaust their own mana reserves to synchronize with countering the spell.

“Our lives are nothing compared to yours! You should—”

He raised his hand to silence her as he kept his back to them. His limbs were filled with gashes and coated with blood. Every motion shot pain through his body. He didn’t move because he didn’t want to, he simply couldn’t spare to do so.

“You really are a bunch of fools. I’m going to have to punish you all after this,” he said as he shook his head. His tone had not a hint of anger though, rather, it was filled with resignation. He wasn’t even sure if they would be able to survive.

A large dragon’s head loomed into view, peering through the crumbled wall and directly at him. He was as large as this thing’s eye but he glared back at it all the same. It had silver white scales but a lot of them were missing or shattered. There were four horns on its head that curved back and upward. Two of them were broken and one was cracked.

After a brief moment of silence, the dragon reared its head and opened its maw. There was a flare building up from within. Several magic circles formed around its horns.

“Going full out, huh?”

In response, a large magic circle formed under him, the inner and outer circles rotating a bit before abruptly stopping. He slowly pointed his hand towards the beast.

“At the very least, I’m going to take you down with just me.”

The magic circle under him shattered and from behind him appeared countless magic circles.

There was a flash of blinding light as both unleashed their spells.

"Here's something to keep in mind, whether you like it... or else."

Reiku Tohno | Balmung | UTC + 8

  • I am new to FF XIV but I've been roleplaying for years.

  • I made this character back in 2009. Feel free to ask me anything. I've developed him greatly over the years.

  • I am flexible with being a protagonist or antagonist.

  • I have no issues with dark themed roleplays as long as things are not pushed to the extreme.

  • If there is anything you are not comfortable with, please let me know. Communication is key.

  • Dark/Mature content is alright. As such, I would prefer to interact with people 18 and above.

  • Smut/Erotic content is alright. Time-skip/Fade-to-Black is also very much alright. Don't hesitate to let me know.

  • Usual stuff: No godmodding and metagaming.

  • Regarding romance, see profile. Also, relationships can be of different timelines and don't need to intersect or happen in the same story unless preferred.

  • Common sense but please be reminded that the Muse =/= Mun. My character does not reflect who I am in real life. Maybe the slight perversion (there are so many top tier waifus) but that's all.

  • My Timezone is UTC + 8. But because of work my sleep schedule is weird anyway. Just hit me up on discord if you see me online.

  • I used to roleplay on Tumblr so feel free to check out my old Tumblr RP page. It's very outdated though.